Most people would assume that those with a warrant out for an arrest are those that have committed serious offenses and are on the run from the law. That is often not the case! Many people are not even aware they have a warrant out for an arrest. Common outstanding warrants are failure to pay child support, too many unpaid traffic tickets, or driving with suspended licenses. If you are unsure if you have a warrant out for an arrest, here is how to check:
Warrant Search on Local Court Website

If You Have a Warrant Out For An Arrest, Get A Lawyer Before Turning Yourself In
Sometimes your local court will have a tab that says “arrest warrants” while other times you might have to search for it. If your local court does not provide online warrant searches, you will have to contact the county clerk or police station in the county or state that you believe the warrant might be issued in for information. Don’t identify that you checking on an outstanding warrant for yourself! Use your name but don’t incriminate yourself. Be aware that police can track the number you called from so you may want to have someone else check on the warrant status for you.
Pay the Fine
If a minor charge, sometimes paying the fine can help you avoid being arrested. This is not always guaranteed, and the police can track your payment to arrest you if needed.
Turn Yourself In
Contact an attorney, handle the warrant as soon as possible to avoid additional fines and charges, and turn yourself in. turning yourself in reduces the risk of harsher punishment and fines. Be aware you may face jail time until your court date.
If you have any questions about arrest warrants in Indianapolis, IN, call Indiana Bail Bonds at 317-423-9300 today.